Looking for an SEO consultant? Keep an eye out for these 5 things

Written by Tom on March 17, 2022

If you’re looking for an SEO consultant, you’re probably well aware of the importance of SEO and the need to optimise your website. But the likelihood is — you don’t have the skills to do it yourself. That’s understandable! Whether you’re already running or just launching a business, you’ll have enough on your plate to be getting on with.

The solution? Hire someone whose job it is to supercharge websites like yours…

Getting help from a professional SEO expert is a time and cost-effective way to get valuable SEO advice that’s tailored to your company. This being said, there are lots of SEO consultants out there. How do you separate the wheat from the chaff?

In this article, we share a few things to look for in a prospective consultant.


How much experience does the SEO consultant have? If they’re just starting out, do they have any previous work or results that they can show you? It’s best to chat with them if you have any concerns. They should be able to explain the steps they’ll be taking to improve your site’s online presence and the reasoning behind it.

It can be a good idea to look at the SEO services provided by digital marketing agencies. With more consultants and resources than freelancers, they’ll have a wealth of expertise and experience to draw on when working on your website. They might also be able to offer you a tailored SEO package (drawing on the different skills of employees at the agency) at a competitive price.

Track record

Do you know which clients they have worked with in the past? What kind of results have they managed to achieve for their clients? In the world of SEO, track record counts for a lot — and demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of a relatively new field. 

Anyone can call themselves an SEO consultant, leaving it up to the client to do their research and determine who knows their stuff. If they can provide you with some examples of their previous SEO work, this might be reassuring to see! SEO results are never guaranteed (and if anyone does guarantee you a top Google ranking, see this as a red flag). However, it’s possible to demonstrate competence in the area.


Ah, price — a tricky but important one! Though you shouldn't just opt for the cheapest service (as cheap often means poor quality work and disappointing results), everyone has a budget. SEO services and packages can vary considerably in price, so it’s just as much about working out what you want as who you should hire for the job.

For instance, at Nettl of Exeter, we have four different SEO packages ranging from £300 to £1500 per month. Each package includes a range of services, with differing levels of on-page and off-page optimisation. We understand that some packages will be better suited to certain clients than others.

Long-term strategy

It’s not enough to make a few SEO tweaks to your site and call it a day. For your site to establish a solid long-term online presence, your SEO consultant will need to be committed to its continuous improvement. They should have a strategy for your websites and be constantly monitoring its success, making necessary adjustments along the way. SEO is always changing, but the best strategies change with it. 

Ask your consultant how they can make the length of their contract work with your site’s long-term strategy and SEO goals. You should also scope out whether they’re constantly checking for technology updates and algorithm changes — this is important knowledge they need to have.


Does it seem like your working styles will mesh? Different SEO agencies and consultants work differently. Perhaps you want someone who knows what they’re doing, but you don’t feel the need for constant updates. If you’re not able to be in frequent communication with your consultant, make sure they’re happy for you to take a hands-off, back seat approach. This might work for them too!

On the other hand, you might want to work closely with your SEO consultant. Perhaps you have clear goals in mind, want to provide input on changes made to your website, or need to approve blog content before it goes live. You’ll probably want to liaise with your consultant quite regularly, making it cr

The End.
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