Get Started
The pandemic has changed the way we shop. In March 2020 about 40% of UK shoppers said they had been shopping more online, compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic. By February 2021, however, this percentage had grown to approximately 75%*. Do you see your competitors with a shiny new online shop and mutter under your breath when you browse their products? If so it may be time for an eCommerce website of your own.
Setting up an online shop for your business can be a confusing and scary experience. At Nettl we take the mystery out of eCommerce and make it a straightforward process. A few products can go a long way and we can get your online shop up and running in a matter of weeks.
We work with the popular WooCommerce platform which is an e-commerce plugin that runs on WordPress. We'll design your site from scratch and can customise and extend it based on your requirements. It’s a proven pathway that will get your web shop trading online quickly, and with minimal development costs associated with custom builds.
We can build you a creative, professional, and functional eCommerce website that will make your business elbow its way to the front of Google. Search Engine Friendly? Easy. Responsive design? Child’s play. Buttons that wiggle when you hover over them? Now we’re talking!
All of our eCommerce websites are easy-to-edit with a built-in content management system that means you can add new products or edit existing ones at the drop of a hat.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to launch this eCommerce website and make it live. We’ve all heard Prince’s alternate take, right? We create online shops for businesses of all types. Selling something physical? Tickets to a show? Bookings? Want to link an EPOS Now till system? Our eCommerce sites can do it all. We can do simple integrations that cut out all of the faff.
Keep your competitors on the back-foot. Navigating eCommerce can be tricky and expensive, but get it right and the rewards and be humongous. We build easy to use eCommerce sites using the latest technology. Integrate with EPOS Now for the complete sales platform along side your physical store and POS.
Get in touch to start your project
Get in touch to start your project